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Benefits of Carrots for the Health

Carrots have a sweet taste and it's complicated, when bitten. In addition to the actual vitamin A, the carrot has many benefits for healthy. Many consume raw carrots may reduce the mucus in people with a cold, bronchitis, and asthma. The carrots also help overcome digestive disturbances such as constipation, stomach pain cramps, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids.

Carrot juice is drunk on a regular basis can destroy kidney stones, acid also reduce blood vessel inflammation and heart. A compress of grated carrot can heal wounds fester, boil and slash. In addition, grated carrots with honey can also be used as a face mask is useful for softy skin.

Among other types of vegetables, carrots, including most types of vegetables that tune. Feeling it sweet and intricate texture. Matches once made a healthful snack. If you're not so fond favorite vegetables, you include a group of losers. Because, you lose a lot of benefits that are provided for the health carrot.

Here is a line of carrot benefit you need to know. Who knows there is a prescription you need.

1. Asthma:
Put carrot (8 ozs.), celery (8 ozs.) and one grapefruit (chopped in small cube) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.
Cancer: Put carrot (12 ozs.), and cabbage (4 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

2. Blood Pressure (High):
Put carrot (8 ozs.), and pod of garlic into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

3. Allergies:
Put carrot (8 ozs.), and celery (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

4. Anemia:
Put carrot (8 ozs.), beet (2 ozs.) and celery (6 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

5. Hernia:
Put carrot (6 ozs.), celery (6 ozs.), spinach (2 ozs.) and parsley (2 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

Note: For each stated prescription below, you're recommended to take it for several consecutive days until the disease goes off. Organic grown fruits and vegetables are recommended here so that you can help prevent additional toxins from being dumped into your body. "in between the meal time" here means 2 or 3 hours before the meal time, and you should avoid to take this juice before breakfast and 3 hours before your bedtime. If you're in medication, make sure that you're not taken this juice together with your medication. In this case, you can take this juice 2 or 3 hours after the medication. Bear in mind that this juice should be taken immediately to avoid any chemical changes that might have occurred.

6. Hay Fever:
Put carrot (8 ozs.), and celery (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

7. Influenza: Put carrot (8 ozs.), and celery (8 ozs.) into the blender. Blend well until smooth before serving. Take this juice once a day in between the meal time.

It's very important to take note that carrots should not be taken together with wine beer, or any alcoholic drinks. The reason is that the combination of both will cause substantial amount of alcohol and carotene entering your body at the same time, which will later lead to the production of toxins in your liver. When this situation occurs, you're more likely to have liver disease. Similarly, carrots cannot be taken with black fungus at a time as the combination of both will cause dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). The intake of 500g carrots with any sea foods may also cause arsenic poisoning.

Although carotenoids found in carrots are beneficial to baby attention should be paid for the volume of the intake. It's always better to consult a registered doctor or dietician on the issue of how much carrot juice should be given to your child based upon their existing health condition. Excessive consumption of carotene (either from carrots or tomatoes) can cause hyperlipidemia, which can lead to orange-colored skin on the face and hands. Other symptoms which are observed among your child include loss of appetite, mental instability, anxiety, and sleep disorder accompanied by crying, screaming, nightmare and murmuring throughout the night.

We always think that goiter (a swelling in the thyroid gland, which can lead to a swelling of the neck or larynx) is caused by a deficiency of iodine. But do you know that the combination of carrots and oranges can also indulge or cause the development of goiter? Many clinical experimentations have shown that after entering your body, carrots (a type of cruciferous vegetables, which refers to edible plants in the family of Brassicaceae) can quickly produce a substance called Thiocyanate (common compounds that include the colorless salts potassium thiocyanate and sodium thiocyanate), and thisthiocyanate will soon undergo a procedure of metabolism to produce an anti-thyroid substance called thiocyanate acid. The question on how much this so-called substance is produced is directly proportional to the volume of the intake of the carrots. When fruits such as oranges, pears, apples, or grapes are taken immediately or are combined with carrots at a time, the flavonoids from these fruits will be decomposed by the intestinal bacteria into hydroxyl benzoic acid (a crystalline derivative of benzoic acid) and ferulic acid (an organic compound that is an abundant phenolic phytochemical found in plant cell walls). Both acids are found to reinforce thiocyanate acid to inhibit the functionality of thyroid gland which might have contributed to a consequence of goiter. Therefore, you're encouraged not to drink juices of/ eat oranges, apples or grapes straight away after the consumption of carrots.

Final Remark:
Again, it's very important to take note that carrot should not be taken together with an orange. This is because Thiocyanate compound in carrot will react chemically with substances in orange which can cause goiter (the enlargement of the thyroid). Similarly, carrot cannot be taken together with polygonum multiflorum (Chinese knotweed or flowery) and ginseng.


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